Brian Saranovitz Featured In Fiduciary News
Will Record Breaking Market be the Anchor that Sinks 401k Savers?
Brian Saranovitz, co-founder of Your Retirement Advisor was recently featured in a Fiduciary News report online regarding the pitfalls of relying on all-time high markets for long-term returns.
Brian warns readers, “As the bull market continues to rage forward, overly optimistic retirees may be overly aggressive,” urging retirees to create realistic expectations for their portfolios as they enter into and live through retirement. “Overly optimistic retirees may be overly aggressive in their assumptions on how much their portfolios will grow heading into retirement and projecting through retirement,” he goes on to say, suggesting that this could give retirees a false potential outcome.
Brian further cautions those taking advantage of the low volatility in the long-standing bull market with ultra-aggressive portfolio positions of a potential backfire in the event of a sustained market downturn. With a record-setting year in the stock market and the economy nearing the end of a business cycle, we at Your Retirement Advisor think it’s a smart idea to heed Brian’s words.
Request a complimentary fee analysis of your portfolio from Brian, today or call us at 978.345.7075