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Our History

Our Story

Your Retirement Advisor’s mission is to make preparing financially for retirement easier and more affordable, while helping people transition into retirement with “sustainable for life” retirement income. With our approach, we focus on teaching people strategies to help save right today, and spend right tomorrow, while still enjoying all that life has to offer.

Powered by technology, process and research, our unconventional approach integrates education, planning, solutions, and advice with the goal to make your retirement more efficient and effective.

Our company is guided by 4 major principles:


Clients Come First

We put our students’ and clients’ needs above all else… period.


Excellence in Retirement Planning

Our focus is on retirement planning, and we strive for excellence in everything we do… period.


Knowing More Means Having More

Education is at the heart of all progress and at the heart of everything we do. We believe that knowing more truly means having more… period.


Make the World a Better Place

Whether it’s through our work we do with clients, or volunteer coaching a local group of kids, or spending quality time with our own kids or family, we will always strive to make the world a better place… period.

Our History

In the mid-1960s, Norman Saranovitz was a full-time art teacher at a local high school. While loving his profession and being a talented artist, Norman got interested in investments and insurance, and soon started sharing his knowledge with his fellow teachers in the teacher’s room. Norman eventually established his company, Saranovitz Capital Management (SCM) and enjoyed a “retirement” career running his practice.

His son, Brian Saranovitz, after graduating from the University of New Hampshire in 1985, joined Norman in the practice attaining his insurance and investment licenses. In his first three years after college, Brian balanced a career playing professional football and advising SCM clients. For the next 30 years, Norm and Brian focused on working with teachers and other professionals in their community.

In 2015, Brian and life partner Lynn Toomey saw the need and struggle many of Brian and Norm’s aging clients were facing with retirement planning. Norm decided to scale back and let the “youngins” take the reins and build a new brand. Brian and Lynn re-branded the company to Your Retirement Advisor, Inc. (YRA). The duo immersed themselves into the world of retirement planning. Brian focused on serving clients while Lynn focused on the marketing and operations side of the business. Today, Brian is one of the industry’s foremost authorities on retirement planning. He works with clients all across the United States and is proud to also teach local and online retirement planning classes with Lynn.

Join the YRA family and experience a smarter, more efficient, and more intimate kind of retirement advice…and leave with a renewed purpose, a comprehensive plan you can have confidence in. Read more here.

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Retirement Happens…
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Retirement planning

Retirement Readiness Kit

Our online retirement readiness kit provides: how to guides, videos and retirement calculators.  We’re here if you have any questions or would like any number of assessments.