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Your Retirement Advisor Workshop Offerings

We currently offer local workshops in Worcester, MA; Leominster, MA; and Bedford, MA. We also offer online versions of our workshops, called webinars. Click here to access these webinars.

We’re offering our workshop, Do Taxes in Retirement Matter? in June, 2019 at all 3 locations. Please email: for more information.

We are expanding the Your Retirement Advisor educators network so please check back soon for more locations. In the meantime, feel free to check out our e-class offerings.


Taxes play a huge role on the longevity of your portfolio in retirement. If you or your advisor aren’t addressing tax-driven strategies, you’re leaving your portfolio vulnerable. While taxes in retirement can’t be predicted, there are strategies to limit your tax exposure.

If you’re nearing retirement or already there, you need to understand how taxes (including the 2018 changes) may impact you and your retirement income. Tax laws can be overwhelming and confusing, and that’s why you need to be proactive and join us to learn some lesser-known, “retirement optimized” strategies.

In this 90-minute workshop, we’ll reveal strategies that could potentially reduce your taxes to as close to zero as possible. Don’t miss it!


The number one goal of retirement (besides health), is to make sure your money lasts as long as you do. To do this effectively, you’ll need an “Efficient & Sustainable” retirement income for life. There are a number of “retirement optimized” income strategies that all pre-retirees should understand and then deploy in retirement. These strategies in the “distribution” phase of life are completely different than in the “accumulation” phase of life. In this COMPLIMENTARY two-hour workshop, we’ll reveal these strategies and how they apply to your unique situation. Don’t miss it!


Our 90-minute When Can I Retire? workshop offers a focused discussion on determining your financial freedom date. You’ll learn savings and income strategies, as well as how to lower your risk, taxes and fees in retirement. Check back soon for an upcoming schedule.


To say choosing the right Social Security filing strategy is complicated is an understatement. If you get it wrong, you may leave thousands of dollars on the table.

Social Security is an integral part of retirement for most hard working Americans…accounting for up to a third of your retirement “paycheck.” Yet many people are mis-informed and mis-guided when it comes to the right strategy. It is NOT a one size fits all approach. You’ve worked hard…you deserve to make the right decisions. 90 minutes with us in this workshop could save you thousands. We look forward to helping you be Social Security savvy.

“I have a 401k, money in CDs, a small annuity and a little money in some investments. I always thought it was enough. I never understood, until I attended your first class, why I should do all this planning.” -Jan W.

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Yes, I want to access the online 'Am I Ready?' retirement kit.

Our online retirement readiness kit provides: how to guides, videos and retirement calculators.  We’re here if you have any questions or would like any number of assessments.