We believe the most reliable retirement outcome is attained by committing to our proprietary, multi-step Educate, Plan, Implement with Confidence (EPIC) process in which you bring your dream, and we discover, design and deploy a plan to help you live it, together. This takes commitment, collaboration and an open mind, but it’s an investment in knowledge and in understanding your retirement you won’t regret.
The final outcome of our planning process will be a comprehensive retirement plan that clearly articulates how each of our Multi-Discipline Retirement Strategies (MDRS) in your plan will be designed, optimized and deployed.
The Process requires you to take both ownership and involvement as we lead you through our EPIC Process. Within each of the steps is multiple face to face or web meetings.
“An open mind will see opportunities that others miss.” It’s critical to have an open mind during this process…open to learning, open to new ideas, and open to new strategies.
We are 100% committed to help you retire better. Retirement planning is all we do. We ask for your commitment to this proven process because we know it works.
The EPIC Process is smart because it’s based on expertise, research and technology. It’s efficient because it’s organized and disciplined leaving no stone unturned.